Thursday, March 27, 2008

Oh Yeah!

Me and Steven Segal.

Yep, that's me and him. He was in town riding with a few deputies one night I was fortunate enough to be working. When all the other operators started taking pictures and getting their picture taken with him, I wasn't about to be left out. My heavens he sure is tall. 6'6" I think, and in the pic I seem really short, only 5'3", very petite (not!). It's not my most becoming pic, as it was midnight, I was tired and not to say the least, my uniform does nothing for my girlish figure :) Notice, he's wearing a bullet proof vest? This is Jefferson Parish and the center isn't in a very good area. Duh, I think we should all be wearing one. I didn't look to see if he was carrying a gun, no doubt he was, but he'd probably get more satisfaction using his Martial Arts on those bad guys.
    Note to self:
Next time grab his butt and make him smile more. I realize celebs probably have "stock smiles" and this was his. In everyone's pics, he has the same look.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Is it Spring yet?

I am so tired of cold weather. I know it's not as cold as other places right now, but heck, this is the south, it's suppose to be warm. When it's time to retire, I might have to look elsewhere to live, like out west someplace. Expensive..but warmer than here. One day we have heat on, then the next it's the a/c. Then back to heat the next. Crazy weather. Mother nature must think it's funny. I certainly don't.

In a few months we'll be crying for cooler/colder weather. That's ok. I'd rather be hot than cold.

As usual nothing earth shattering to report. D/H is sick with a bad cold. He's been sleeping on the couch the last few nights, so he won't keep me awake with all his coughing. He's such a sweetie. Plus I don't want to get his cold. I'd be into bronchitis in a flash, and belive me, that's no fun.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I noticed I haven't bloggeed in a few weeks. And I know why....Nothing new to blog about. I have it in my head to work on my synopsis, but haven't the heart. Or guts. I know others have no problem with synops, but everytime I start one, I keep continuing the story, and I have to stop it and start over. Tho in a way it's not a bad thing, while doing so, new scenes take form in my brain and I make those additions on a posty and pop it in the proper place in the notebook. Did I mention I have books 1 thru 4 all hand written? makes it easier to add and subtrack scenes, etc. At least for me it does.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

big goof

After I posted the 'possible contest entry' I realized I shouldn't have. Having to edit it to fit the 500 word max, I took out all the wrong stuff. Now it sounds really bad. All telling and no showing. A Romance Writer no-no. Oh well, it'll give them a good laugh. There were plenty of great entries. Had I read all of them posted before mine, I would have realized I didn't have a snowballs chance in hell of even getting an honorable mention. Duh... What the hell was I thinking.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Possible Contest Entry

Lady Alyssa Randall didn't normally eavesdrop, but tonight, with an ear against the solid mahogany door to her husband's study, she couldn't help herself. They were after all, discussing her.

"It's been four years and still the chit has yet to give me an heir. It's time to be rid of her. With my money, mother's will be throwing their daughters at me," Edgar boasted.

"Edgar, I think you should reconsider. If you'll pardon me for saying, maybe it's not her fault. You wouldn't be the first this has happened to."

Alyssa sighed. It wasn't her fault she hadn't conceived a child. Edgar had forced himself on her countless times, but no child was ever conceived. She wanted to fill her home with children just as much as Edgar wanted his heir.

"Mind your tongue Robert. Remember who employs you and keeps you in that comfortable lifestyle you've become accustomed to."

"There's no need to threaten me Edgar, I was not insulting your manhood. I was merely pointing out that her time may not be right for conceiving a child. It was five years before my wife and I were able to enjoy the arrival of our son."

"I cannot wait another year!" Edgar bellowed. My heir needs to be knowledgeable with my company so he will not destroy what I have built. If I do not get an heir soon, I may die an old man before he is of age. Now do as I requested. Get me invited to the best parties of the season. I will be attending alone, which will require you to make excuses for my wife. Now go."

"No, Edgar, I will not," she heard Robert answer bravely. "If you attend these parties alone, people will talk, and I will not be a party to this again. Do you recall the gossip with Lady Penelope?"

"Penelope disappeared on her own. I had nothing to do with that as you well know," Edgar growled.

"If I may say so, you know as well as I that if you are alone at any of the season's parties, the gossip's tongues will be wagging. I think it best you wait this out."

"I will not wait another minute!" Edgar roared, throwing his glass of brandy at the fireplace.

A startled gasp escaped Alyssa at the sound of the shattering glass. Her husband, Lord Edgar was indeed drunk. Again. And in that state, he was most certainly prone to violence in his drunken rages.

She had to get away quickly before she met the same fate as his previous four wives. She had heard stories about their disappearances from the servants, but always thought that it was just idle gossip. Now she wasn't so sure.

As Alyssa turned to leave, the door she had just seconds ago had her ear pressed against, swung open, bringing her face to face with her very inebriated, very angry husband.
"How dare you eavesdrop on my conversation," he snarled.


Is it me or did January fly by at lightening speed? I just noticed that tomorrow is the last day of January. Which is a good thing if you live where it's cold right now. The faster the months go the faster warmer weather arrives. And believe me...I'm ready for warmer weather. Yesterday when I left for work, it was 55* outside. This morning when I got up it was 36*, almost a 20* change. Two & half hours later its only gone up one degree. Perfect day to stay inside and work with Alyssa and Charles. Might even work on my website a bit. I know I have to get the Dunning Genealogy site done too.

I'm seriously thinking of entering my first page of Stay With Me. Tho thats only the working title, I haven't gotten far enough into the book to come up with a different one.

The guys are coming back today to finish cutting down the last pine tree. They had to stop yesterday because of the wind. Tho todays breeze is somewhat milder, I can't see him climbing almost 40 feet in the air. I'd rather they come back another day. Don't want him falling out of the tree. That would not be a good thing.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy Monday

I really shouldn't say happy cux it's freezing outside. 38* windchill is 32*. May not sound cold to a lot of people, but here in Louisiana, dats cold baby!

It's a holiday today (MLK day). So mail, no running to the bank. I'll just play on the computer all day. Maybe even do a load of laundry.. maybe not... I need a day to goof off and work on my website and genealogy site. Too cold to do anything outside.

I just finished reading Spirited Away, a debut novel by Cindy Miles. A wonderful love story with ghosts ( Think The Ghost & Mrs Muir). At times I forgot the hero (Tristian) was a ghost. His love for the Heroine (Andi) was powerful. I wish the secondary characters could now have their own stories. Especially sweet Jason, and maybe Jamison & Kate. Double kudos to Ms. Miles. I'm ordering her second book from Amazon today.